July Releases

WOS Manager
Tabbed Pages
  • Items, Item Aliases, and Item Bundles combined into Items page
  • Print Queue, Printers, and Print Stations combined into Printing page
  • Settings shows System and Locked configurations utilizing new Tab approach
  • Site Settings utilizes new Tab approach
  • Replenishment and the Replenishment Work Queue combined into the Replenishment page
  • Cycle Count and the Cycle Count Work Queue combined into the Cycle Count page (only accessible if WOS Fulfillment is set as the app used for Cycle Counts)
Replenishment Planning
  • Replenishment updated with new Tabbed approach
    • Default tab shows the Planning report
    • Another tab shows the Replenishment Queue tasks
  • Work Queue tasks are only available from the Maint => Work Queue page if the system setting for Cycle Count App is set to WOS Fulfillment.  Otherwise, Replenishment tasks MUST be accessed from the tab on the Replenishment page
  • Group field on the Replenishment tasks can be used to identify tasks created for the same purpose
  • Updated Work Queue API to include additional fields to improve the ability to integrate Replenishment tasks
Cycle Counts
  • User Groups for the new WOS Fulfillment app includes a Cycle Count section
  • System setting determines which App (WOS Fulfillment or WMS Fusion) will be used for Cycle Counts
    • Different queue options and pages are provided based on which app is used for Cycle Counts
  • A new Cycle Count Confirm page is made available only if WOS Fulfillment is set as the app used for Cycle Counts
    • Compare Recounts to see discrepancies between them
    • Page is tab based:  Counts ready to review in one tab and Work Queue tasks in another
  • When creating Cycle Counts from the Items, Locations, or Inventory pages, immediately assign a Device or a Group to the created counts
    • Group value can only be applied if WOS Fulfillment is set as the app used for Cycle Counts
  • The Items page is updated to show additional Cycle Count details
    • Count of Work Queue tasks related to Cycle Counts (only available if using WOS Fulfillment)
    • Latest date the item was Cycle Counted (across all locations where the item has inventory)
    • Total on hand quantity of the item
  • Inventory page is updated to show the Last Cycle Count date of the inventory record, not the Location as it previously showed
  • In some cases, an inventory transaction takes place after a Cycle Count has been completed.  If the inventory transaction makes the Cycle Count quantities invalid, the Count can no longer be confirmed
  • Updated Work Queue API to include additional fields to improve the ability to integrate Cycle Count tasks
Front Page Blog
  • A new Front-page feature will allow Blog Posts to be populated without the need of a release
  • These Blog Posts can be used to provide notifications or updates of features or details within WOS
New Integration Fields
  • Add a variety of new fields for use in Integrations
  • Fields were made visible in the Orders and Batch Build pages
  • Fields were made available on the Order Edit page
  • Updated the Order API to include the ability to set these new fields
Other Updates
  • Add the ability to duplicate User Groups
  • Corrected an issue where barcodes created from the Location page wouldn't scan
  • Corrected an issue where the Location Edit page would only allow Zones of certain types to be set
  • When importing Locations by CSV, Areas and Zones can be created if they don't already exist; Backstock location types are now supported
  • When importing Orders by CSV, corrected an issue where the Do Allocate Now flag was not working properly
  • Data Grids include the ability to copy to create a new grid (WOS Support access only)
  • New Integrations page to prepare for later use

Release Details
Release Version:
Release Date: 7/17/2024

Tabbed Pages
  • Locations, Zones, and Areas are combined as tabs into the Locations page
Cycle Counts
  • Implemented the Next Re-Count button to advance to next ReCount needing review.
Item Edit
  • An Item History tab has been added to the Item Edit page
Receiving Updates
  • Started the updates for Receiving and Putaway by adding the Receiving User Group settings
  • Added new Reason Code Types for future use in the new Putaway process
Other Updates
  • Correct an issue where Replenishment tasks were being locked up and couldn't be modified
  • Added fields to the New Work Queue that were not previously displayed
  • Standardized the Create New button across several pages
  • Integrations grid now shows correct name for State value
  • Shipping Settings page has been removed
  • Corrected an issue where a Client Portal order with duplicate lines was failing to be created
  • Added the ability to change the Client related to a login Account

Release Details
Release Version:
Release Date: 7/31/2024

WOS Fulfillment (New iOS App)
Replenish Pick
  • Improved Needed Qty calculation
  • Removed "buttons" in the row and improved consistency with the WOS Fulfillment app
  • Added an option to jump to Replen Put from the Replen Pick screen
Replenish Put
  • Better visibility to all Replenish locations and where inventory might be
  • Show details for "Priority Puts" by displaying qty on Open Orders and in Pick Locations
  • Show Lot numbers in the list instead of just showing a count of Lot numbers.
  • Item Selection considers Lots available in the Replenish location; if multiple Lots are available, the Lot must be selected before the Put can be completed
  • More details on the Put screen after selecting an item to be replenished
  • Improved Empty Location selection
  • Added an option to jump to Replen Pick from the Replen Put screen
Cycle Count
  • NEW app made available in WOS Fulfillment; key updates from previous app listed below
  • Assigned Tasks will be downloaded for the user upon entering the app
  • Multiple options exist for selecting tasks if they are not already assigned:
    • Priority - show tasks below priority 10
    • Recount - show only tasks that are Recounts of previous tasks
    • Scheduled - show other tasks from the work queue; a proximity location scan can help select tasks to work on
    • Spot Location - scan a location to start a count of the entire location (any items not counted will be considered as missing and adjusted to 0 in that location)
    • Spot Item - scan a location and an item to start the count of just that particular inventory record
  • Ability to download more than 5 tasks at a time
  • Count Screen is an "in-process" list progressively showing counted details as they occur
    • Instead of requiring 1 count for each item with total qty entered at that time, the Count Screen will aggregate multiple qty inputs for the same item for the duration of the Count
  • Lot entry works for both Scan Each and Qty entered; Lot Selection shows a list of available lot numbers that exist in the location for that item
  • History Log records related to performing an Empty Location count have been made consistent regardless of the Auto-Apply settings in place
Other Updates
  • The General Lookup now includes details of In Process items that are picked, waiting to be packed or are received, waiting to be put away
  • Correction in Packing to allow the Box Config scan to lookup the UPC instead of just the Box Code
  • Updated how virtual keyboard behaves when no external device is connected
Release Details
Release Version: 1.2.0
Release Date: 7/17/2024
WMS Fusion (Legacy iOS App)
Single and Batch Picking
  • When requesting a location be Cycle Counted, the user can be prompted to perform the 1st count
    • User will enter the counted Qty.  This will present as a completed count with a Recount task automatically created
  • When requesting a location be Cycle Counted, the task will be created and visible in the Work Queue based on the system setting that determines which app is responsible for Cycle Counts (WOS Fulfillment or WMS Fusion)
Release Details
Release Version: 5.7
Release Date: 7/17/2024