Host Queue messages now have a status "Read".  This status enables a cleaner integration because API calls can look for only those messages which are "Unread" and not risk pulling in the same messages more than once.

Retrieve only Host Queue messages that have not already been read

  1. Set the status parameter on the API call to get only messages that are Unread

  2. All messages that are returned in the call are marked as Read and won't be returned again when looking for Unread messages

Warning: Host Messages are marked as Read the first time they are returned to ANY API call.  If multiple processes are looking for unread or all messages, the first process reading the message will mark it as read and it will be missed by the second process.

Run a reconciliation process that looks for Read messages

  1. After the process is finished, Host Queue messages should be Confirmed and cleared from the queue
  2. Messages that stay in Read status can be considered in an error state and needs to be reconciled

Note: Continue to Confirm the Host Queue messages to remove them from the queue.  Even though a Read status won't show up when looking for Unread messages, the process should be a closed loop that confirms the messages once the process is finished with them.