An integration to Acumatica is currently being scoped and developed.  Details about this integration will be updated as it progresses.

Acumatica Authentication

Acumatica's API follows an OAuth 2.0 flow.  A Connected Application needs to be created to provide the tokens and authorization into the system.

  • The OAuth 2.0 Flow that is used is the Authorization Code flow.
  • The Redicrect URI is specific to each customer's integration project.  Check with the WarehouseOS integration team to setup the necessary details to generate a Redirect URI.
  • The Client Name can be anything that accurately describes the purpose for this connection.  Usually "WOS Integration" is sufficient.

Once the Connected Application is created, provide the Client ID and the generated Secret to the WarehouseOS integration team.  Those will be put into the project and a URL to get authorization created.  The URL will be provided so the user can log in and grant permissions to this application.
