The Packing app allows a user to pack Order(s) into one or multiple boxes for shipping. As inventory is packed it is removed from the Cart, eventually freeing up the Cart for reuse.

Typical scenarios:

  • Pack a Batch of Orders from a single cart. It is highly recommended that the Batch is completely picked prior to starting packing.
  • Pack a Single Order spanning multiple carts at multiple packing stations.
  • Pack a Single Order by cart.
  • Pack a Single Order without a cart.

Packing App Concepts:

  • Only one Order may be packed into a box.
  • Multiple Carts of the same Order may be packed into the same box.
  • Boxes are specific to an Order and Device.

Packing Features:

  • A Cart may be Pre-Staged at any time in the packing process.
  • A scannable Order Barcode is presented on the screen on request.
  • A packed box may be Staged.

Any Order where picking has commenced is eligible for Packing (not recommended for a Batch).

Start process by:

  • If picking was to a Cart, scan/enter the Cart id
  • If picking was without a Cart, scan/enter the Order number

Batch Pick

In the example below, Cart01 was scanned.

Information provided:

  • Cart01 contains a Batch of two Orders picked into Compartments A1 and A2 respectively.
  • The two Orders have been picked to completion Indicated by the GREEN Check-icon.
  • Total Cube and Total Weight for each Order.


Go to General Flow section to continue process.


Single Pick Order with multiple Carts

In the example below, Cart02 was scanned.

Notice, it looks like duplicate lines of the same Order are displayed. The key is the Cart column, reflecting that Cart02 is one of three carts associated with the Order. Scanning any of the three carts would result in the same results. Multiple Devices may pack this Single Order at the same time. The only constraint is that Boxes created when packing the Order are not visible across Devices (therefore cannot be shared).

Go to General Flow section to continue process.


Single Pick Order without a Cart

In the example below, since there is no Cart to scan, Order number 2109 was scanned/entered. This scenario is recognizable because the Cart column will be blank.

Go to General Flow section to continue process.

General Flow

A Cart picked by the Batch Picking app is used for illustration in this section.

For all the above scenario, the general flow of the app remains the same.

Touch the line of the Item to be packed. The Picked Items to be packed are listed.

Note: Only items which have been Picked but not yet Packed are listed. The Packing app does not have visibility of Items not yet picked.

The (above) screen provides the packaging User valuable initial information to help determine what type of packaging may be required.

  • The Order to be packed and the Compartment (if applicable) it resides in.
  • The Customer Country and the Ship Method.
  • Individual Item Cube and Weight.
  • Highlights Short Picks which may need to be resolved prior to packing.
  • Green Check-icon directing User that Item is located in the overflow area of the cart.

Notice the Box icons on the top-middle of the screen. The first icon is the button the User touches to create a new box. Each time the User touches the icon a new box is created. 

The second icon (box with embedded 1) represents the number of packed boxes currently associated with the Order, currently, it is one. 

The Reprint button will reprint the labels associated with the current order that is stored in the print queue.

If the Admin->Setting->Generate Shipping LPN setting is enabled the system will automatically create a unique LPN for each box created. The unique LPN generated is of the following format XXXX-999 where XXXX is the Order number and 999 is a sequential number starting at 001 and incrementing as each box is created. The system also automatically creates the first box for the User (example below).

The User is now ready to start packing boxes. The first box LPN 2107-001 is currently empty.

To pack inventory into the box simply scan/touch the Item (highlighted in gray), enter the quantity being placed in the box, and hit the <OK> button. In the example below a quantity of two of Item 0987813 is being packed into the box 

When the User hits the <OK> button an entry for Item 0987813 with a Quantity of 2 is entered in the bottom pane.

If the Packing->Scan Each Item When Packing flag is enabled the User is not required to enter a quantity, they are required to scan each item being placed in the box. The system will keep track of the total quantity placed in each box.

This process is continued until all boxes are packed. Below is an example of a work-in-process screen.

The screen is portioned into two horizontal panes. The top pane lists the picked inventory eligible to be packed. In the example below all the inventory has been packed into boxes except for Item 1577208 which was picked short. At any time the User may hit the <Pack All> button (upper right in top pane). At that time all the remaining inventory in the Item List (top pane) will automatically be packed into the active box. The active box is always the first box listed (bottom pane).

And the lower pane reflects the packed boxes and their current content.

The boxes and inventory within may be re-arranged up until a box is closed with the<Close Box> button. Once a box is closed by the User the button changes to <Box Completed>. See Box-1 at the bottom of the above screen.

To rearrange inventory simply touch the <Remove> button within the active box located to the right of the inventory, the inventory will re-appear in the inventory list (top pane of the screen). If the entire inventory is removed from a box, a <Delete> button will appear (replacing the <Close Box> button) allowing the user to delete an empty box.

Inventory can only be placed into the box which has focus. The first box in the list (in the lower pane) has focus, in the example above it is Box-2 (blue Box-icon on the left of the screen). To change the box with focus, simply touch the Box-icon on the left of the screen. The system will bring the box to the top of the list and highlight Box-icon in blue. Product may only be placed into the box with focus.

Once the User is happy with how the shipping box(es) are packed simply click the <Close Box> button(s). The system will replace the <Close Box> button with a <Box Closed> button. Completed boxes are no longer accessible to the User.

When the Order is complete or the User wants to return to the Order List to pack a different Cart/Order simply touch the <Packing> button (top-left screen). A different Order on the cart may be packed or, a new Order or Cart id may be requested.

Additional Features

Generate Shipping LPN

If Admin->Settings->Generate Shipping LPN is NOT enabled the User will be prompted to enter the LPN for each new box created.

Touch the second icon (box with a ‘+’ (plus) sign embedded) to create a new box.


Enter the Shipping Box Label (LPN123 in the above example) and click <OK>.


The system creates a box with the LPN-LPN123 (see below). Notice the Box-icon reflects the creation of a new box. The screen is now split and lists the new shipping box in the bottom pane of the screen.


Close on Pack All or Allow Close All

If the Packing->Close on Pack All and/or Packing->Allow Close All permission(s) are enabled the <Pack All & Close> button and <Close All> button are visible (upper right screen) respectively.

The User may touch either of these buttons at any time in the process.

<Pack All & Close> button will place all remaining inventory into the active box and close the box (Box-2 in this example). Box-1 will not be closed. This is a nice feature for the last box of an order.

<Close All> button will close the ALL currently packed boxes (Box-1 and Box-2 in this example). The User may pack all the boxes for the order. When sure that everything is packed, they may close all the boxes with one touch.

Order Notes and Order Line Notes

General Order Notes, as well as Specific Order Line Notes, may be viewed when packing.


To view the general Order Notes simply touch the shaded area of the specific Order of interest. The Notes will be displayed in a pop-up window. Touch OK to return to packing.

To view the general Order Line Notes simply touch the shaded area of the specific Line Item of interest. The Notes will be displayed in a pop-up window. Touch OK to return to packing.

Allow Packing Staging - Box

Packed Boxes may now be placed in temporary staging locations while awaiting shipping.

If the Packing->Allow Packing Staging flag is set the User will be forced to scan/enter a staging location as they close each Box.

The system will automatically display the Box Label, then the User is prompted to scan the barcode of the staging location where the Box is being placed.

If configured a Trigger is sent to Host.

Allow Packing Pre-Stage - Cart

Carts may be pre-staged around a packing station prior to being packed.

If the Packing->Allow Pre-Packing Staging flag is set, a <Stage> button is available if the User wants to pre-stage a cart.

The same pop-up screen (above) is used for Allow Packing Staging and Allow Pre-Packing Staging. The User scans the barcode of the staging location where the Cart is being placed.

If configured a Trigger is sent to Host.

Display Order Barcode

For the systems which are packing at the Host level, the <Barcode> button maybe of help. Any time a <Barcode> button is touched a pop-up is presented with the Order Number in a scannable barcode.

Item Lot Control/Serial Number

If the Item->Require Lot Number or Item->Require Serial Number permission is enabled the system will automatically prompt the User to scan the Lot Number or Serial Number(s) respectively.

Below is an example where Item-4000307 is Lot Controlled. The system prompts the User to Scan/enter the Lot Number. A Serial Number prompt would be very similar. The only difference is that a Serial Number is required for each piece of an Item while a Lot Number may be associated with the quantity of an Item.

Below is an example of a work-in-progress screen where Lot Number and Serial Number were required.

Notice Lot/Serial column. Item-400307 is Serial Number controlled, each piece has an associated Serial Number. While Item-4004652 is Lot Number controlled, one instance Lot#-67890 is for a quantity of 1 but Lot#-1234567 is for a quantity of 2.

Permissions and Restrictions

Some of the permissions have been discussed in the above examples. Below is the list of permissions and additional restrictions which will affect the Packing operations.

Admin->Settings-> Generate Shipping LPN

Group->Packing->Close on Pack All

Group->Packing>Allow Close All

Group->Packing->Scan Each Item When Packing

Group->Packing->Allow Packing Staging

Item->Require Lot Number

Item->Require Serial Number