WOS Manager does not have a long list of reports because all the screens provide visibility into the current state of the warehouse operations and the History Log provides raw historical data for most operational events.

Note: The information in this How-To article is applicable to all pages in WOS Manager with a grid of data. 

Sort and Filter

The headers in the data grids can be used to sort or filter the data.

1. Sorting

  1. Click on a header to sort by that column
  2. An arrow will indicate the direction of the sort (ascending or descending) 
  3. Click the header again to change the sort direction
  4. A third click will remove the sort


Tip: When doing multiple column sort, the sequence that headers are clicked on determine which columns are sorted first. 

2. Filtering
  1. A grid can be filtered by any header by clicking on the filter icon
  2. The filter icon is highlighted to show a column which has an active filter
  3. Multiple filters can be applied at the same time 

    Tip: If after setting filters you need to refresh the data in the grid, use the Refresh button to the top right. Your filters will be maintained and the data will be refreshed.

  4. After filters are applied, the total number of records returned in the filter can be found at the bottom right of the grid. The value appears as one of two options:
    1. If no records are selected, it's displayed as the Min - Max page record of # Filtered
    2. If any record on the page is selected, it's displayed as Selected Total: # Selected of # Filtered

3. Types of Filters

  1. If no other option is presented, the field will search on a "contains" or partial search criteria
  2. Some system defined fields will offer a selection of available options
  3. Number fields will provide additional filter options
  4. Date fields will provide a "between" filter to select values between certain dates

Row Selection

Selecting a row can be made by clicking anywhere on the row. A selected row will be highlighted in blue. To select multiple rows, standard windows selection methods will apply.

Tip: A link is highlighted in blue text. Clicking on a link will take you to the destination page. To highlight a row, click anywhere other than a linked value.
As rows are selected, the total record count at the bottom of the grid will be updated to show the number of selected rows.
  1. Shift + Click to select a range 
    1. Click on the first row you want to select
    2. Scroll to the last row in the range that you want to select
    3. Hold Shift and click on the last row
    4. All of the rows between the first selected row and the last selected row will be highlighted

2. Ctrl + Click to select separate rows

  1. Click on the first row you want
  2. Hold Ctrl and click on any other individual rows 
  3. Only the specific rows that were clicked will be selected

3. Drag Select

  1. Works best if all rows are visible
  2. Identify the first desired row
  3. Click and do not release the click
  4. Drag the mouse down to the last desired row of the visible range
  5. Release the click and all rows within the drawn square will be selected

Other Features

  1. Group Data
    1. When available, data can be grouped by dragging a column into the area above the column headers
    2. Groups can then be collapsed or expanded
    3. Multiple groupings can be created by using multiple column headers

Note: Be aware that page navigation and items Per Page still apply when columns are used for grouping. Sort columns or apply a larger Items per Page to get a better grouping experience.

2. Collapsible Sections

  1. Some pages have collapsible sections to make navigation a little quicker
  2. Expand or Collapse all grids in one action with buttons on top of the screen (if they exist)
  3. Click on the section header to collapse the individual section

3. Move Headers

  1. Columns can be rearranged by dragging and sliding the header into another position
  2. Column positions are saved locally and should remain the same when viewing the page from the same computer

4. Sizing grids

  1. Grids can be resized to better fit the window you are using
  2. Click on the bottom right corner of the grid and drag the corner up or down to increase or decrease the length of the grid

5. Items Per Page

  1. The number of items displayed per page can be changed at the bottom of the grid.
  2. Instead of always changing the number of items per page, a system-wide default can be set in the
    Admin-> Settings menu

Note: Be aware that changing the system-wide setting will apply as the default Items Per Page for every page on the site.